Monday, October 27, 2008

Mice are Nice

As previously stated, my mice came to me by accident. I never thought about mice as pets. I was like "ya, they're cute" but never like "I must have them". So when I adopted my first two mice, I never knew what was about to happen.

The thing with mice is, they're like Lays chips. You can't have just one. Mainly because they are social animals. So when one of my first two died (she was ill when I got her, untreated eye infection), I had to get her a friend. This friend was a good 8 months younger then the origional one, which equates to about 80 years in mouse time. SO of course origional mouse passed away long before new mouse, so I had to go get her a friend. And the cycle continued.

So I continued to have 2 mice. For about 3 years. Then I got a bigger cage that could hold six mice, and it did for another year. I was getting busy, so I decided to cut back on the amount of mice I had (they weren't getting the attention they needed) by not buying anymore. Pretty simple. 4 of my girls have since passed on. I always have females (males will fight and males + females = zillions of mice) and they are prone to cancer. Having Houdini (pictured left) put to sleep was extremely hard and I cried like a baby. I did the same when I put her sister, Spook, down as well. Some of you may think I'm crazy for doing it, but it was the right thing to do.

As of right now I have two girls. Piper and Juno. Piper is all black. In her old age of 2, she is getting white hairs in her black coat. Piper has an attitude problem. When I had the 6 mice, I could always rely on her to start a fight once a day over something. She really disliked Ebony, a little grey mouse. I think they had a difference in opinion bout who was the boss. Piper may live forever. The oldest mouse I have had lived to be 2 1/2, and Piper is nearing that mark. She would live forever, too. Me and her have a love hate relationship. I love her. She hates me. Ingrate.

Juno is a tan mouse. She is about 4 months younger then Piper and lets Piper rule the roost, so they are a good pair. The two of them are adorable together. When Piper is sleeping, Juno likes to clean her. Juno is like that protective sister that always makes sure you are eating enough, that you are clean, that you have enough blankets. I also suspect Juno might have OCD. If I go into the cage and move something, she runs around like crazy until it is restored to its original place. If she can move it herself, she will. I keep saying these two will be my last mice for a little while. . . .but I think I may be lying. I can't imagine my life without these little guys! They've been my little companions for 4 years now. It'll be weird not to have My Girls. They are just so affectionate. When I had Spook and Houdini, they would follow my voice around my apartment in their little mouse balls. And when Spook got sick, Houdini would bring her food and helped her get up the ladder in their cage. They are wonderful.

In closing, everyone should have mice! Ok, maybe not. But I definately reccomend them over hamsters. Hamsters are evil. You will never hear me speak of owning a hamster on this blog.

Side note: If you ever decide to get mice, get girls! not only can they live with each other and do adorable things, but they smell about 100% less then males. To the left there is little Romeo. One of my friends used to call him Brad Pitt because she said he was the most handsome mouse she had ever seen. I had to agree. He had long hair and everything. The issue is I would clean his cage, and a day later it would smell again because he sprayed everything to mark it. If you plan on having boy mice, prepare for the smell. And I don't mean that faint "What is that?" smell. I mean a walk on the front door "Oh my lord what is THAT?!" smell. I have a small apartment, so its a little worse for me, but still. Be prepared *mimicks Boy Scouts*.

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