Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some PIctures

I don't feel like doing a long post or typing anything meaningful, so I am just going to put some pictures. I like pictures and I like my pets, so it seemed like a good idea.

This is Devi the Scorpion. Somehow I managed to convince her not to haid behind her rock. I am. . . the scorpion whisperer!!

This is Ben, my horse. He's an appaloosa gelding. Ben has hit the 15 year mark and has slight arthritis, so he is semi retired. He no longer shows or jumps, but he does still get ridden all the time and does some lessons, too!

This is Skye, a husky mix from the SPCA. He's about 5 and the look on his face in this picture is pretty typical of Skye. He's a good dog, just very happy and not so smart. We still love him.

This is Kitten, my other cat. Callie lives with me at school, Kitten lives with my parents. Kitten thinks he's pretty regal and loves to hang out by the computer looking. . .smug. His name is Kitten because we couldn't agree on a name. Poor bugger!

This is Monty. He's a rat, and this is the best picture I have of him because he refuses to stay still. Monty is always up to something. If anything touches his cage he will chew it. I love him dearly, but he is ill so I am worried. Hopefully he'll pull through.

So those were my pets! Maybe next time I'll add some pets that aren't mine but ones I love as if they were! I love pictures!

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