Monday, November 3, 2008

Nothing Exciting

So, I haven't posted in forever, and now I have nothing exciting to talk about. I've been so crazy busy, thins blog has taken a back seat. Oops!

How about some tips on what to do when in a Big Name pet store? How to deal with the employees, the conditions and so on.

1) Do not yell at the employees. For the most part, they are doing what they can. On busy days I'd be feeding animals while I was helping a customer. The employees know that the rabbits need to be changed, the birds knocked over their water and that a fish died. The fish one particularly. Goldfish die like it's their job. Deceased fish are removed twice a day. We'll get around to it. If there is a big problem that is obviously not being dealt with, go to the manager or ever head office. The people working there just want a job and to be around animals. They realize how shitty it is and are sad for the animals too, even if you think that's bull.

2) Do not take everything you are told as the truth. Do research and come in knowing something, or some employees will sell you the store. Question things that seem out of place and if they brush you off, be suspicious.

3) Get the animal you want. This is mainly for birds and rodents. Some employees will reach in and give you the first one they catch. Don't allow it. Ask to handle the animals if they can be handled (most birds cannot). This will prevent you from getting an animal you hate, or at the least you will have no one else to blame nut yourself when Hammie turns into the Spawn of Satan. Also, the longer you spend with an employee, the more likely they are going to relate/like you and the more likely you will get the real scoop on the animal.

4) Don't say puppy mill. Don't think puppy mill. Don't think "what a cute puppy" and then "I need a pepper mill". As far as employees are told, the puppies don't come from puppy mills, so that is what we will tell you. When you yell at them, tell them how sad it makes you, how sad they look, or even go as far as telling them they are bad people for working there (it happened), you are not helping the problem. People are going to buy the puppies. Those who work there are just trying to help by making it as easy on the puppies as they can. Telling an employee of one of the billion stores Big Name has that you are sickened/pissed/sad etc. will not solve the problem. Actions speak louder then words, and your hurtful words just make said employee upset. The employees are not the bad guys.

Those are just a few tips. Some of them are going to get people up in arms, I can tell. Let me just say that I do NOT think that pet stores should sell cats or dogs. I am even iffy on larger birds and reptiles. I can do a post on the whole puppy mill thing later if wanted. To be honest, I don't know if the pups come from mills or not. What I do know that is the employees who work there do love the animals and treat them as well as they can under the circumstances. They work there because they love animals and need a job, not because they want to support puppy mills.

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